Monday 14 December 2015

Busy Busy week!!

This was been another busy week, this time working six days in a row.  We saw a variety of patients at four different churches.  Our biggest day was 102 patients, and then had to turn away many who were still waiting and wanting an eye exam.

I got quite close to these three kids, they loved to help me out

This little girl wouldn't leave me alone for some reason.  It was quite sweet.

This boy, named Eli, became our friend, and hung around all day.
He even raced home to his village and brought back some cooked
corn on the cob for us, freshly picked from his family's garden.
This is Silosi, he is a young man in my Sunday School class as well as in the Young Men with Rick.  We have gotten to like him a lot and invited him to come with us to work sometimes.  It is summer holidays for them and he has nothing else to do.  He is trying to save for a mission, so hopefully we can help him out a little.  He also cuts our grass for us.  He is super sweet!


This was one of the churches we worked at for two days this week.

 This church sat on the top of a large hill/mountain in a remote part of Fiji.  The view from up here was amazing.  We could see much of the rain forest jungle, as well as the sea, and the big island called, Ovalau, which used to be the capital of Fiji many years ago.

Once again, we had large line ups all day, waiting for us.

They kept their spirits up, despite the hours of waiting.
The kids here are usually very happy, not sure about a couple of them here

When these kids were asked to do a crazy pose
for the camera, they really put on a show!

After working one day, the Stake President
walked us to his home in a nearby village.

This is President Tagidunu and his wife.

We see a lot of this here in Fiji, this pterygium is completely covering his pupil, making him completely blind out of this eye.

On Friday, after a long day of seeing 102 patients, 
we then drove over two hours to the town of Sigatoka, 
and stayed over night in the Bures at the Tubakula 
Resort in a nice beach setting.

This is the one we stayed at.

The next day, we went to the Warwick Hotel
for a National Diabetic Conference.

At the conference, Rick was asked to do a presentation on how diabetes affects the eyes.  We then were to examine all of the diabetic kids and leaders  

This was the hotel room in which we were to do eye exams.  It was kind of a strange setting, but quite comfortable! We were kept very busy through to the late afternoon.  The hotel staff heard we were there and they kept coming and coming.........

After we finished doing the eye examinations, we walked around 
the lovely resort, and just relaxed and enjoyed the scenery.  

It was truly a beautiful resort, and the water looked too inviting to ignore, 
wished we would have had more time to swim and enjoy the beauty.

We don't see a lot of Christmas trees, so 
when you do, you have to take a picture!!

These beautiful flaming red trees are called 
Fijian Christmas trees, they are at their peak right now. 

This is a close up of these beautiful flowers.

As we drove home from the conference, we had to stop and 
take a picture of these fishermen coming home from a successful day.

Along the way, we found these men washing their horses. 

As we drive around the island, we can often see people selling 
their fish on the side of the road. It doesn't get any fresher than this.

That's all for this busy week...

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